Boris Dubrov. «Sevivon»

Oil, canvas. 30x40 cm. 2016.
Private collection, USA

Gallery: Judaica

The turn of the 20th century, December, snow…. There is iHanukkah Hanukkah s a Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the iMaccabean Revolt The Maccabean Revolt was the revolt of the Jews against the Seleucid Empire, which took place in the 2nd century before our time. The name is derived from the name of the revolt leader Judas Maccabaeus. against the Seleucid Empire. celebration in a Jewish stetl. A hanukkiah is burning for eight days, and the iYiddish Yiddish – beginning with the 10th century, the language of Ashkenazi, the eastern European Jews, spoken by about 11 million Jews all over the world at the beginning of the 20th century.e mama is baking latkes, potato pancakes. Near an iron oven, the children are turning a wooden dreydl. They are playing a game, betting apples, nuts and small Hanukkah money: the letters on the four sides of the dreydl compose a magic sentence “A great miracle was there”.

And there is December again, a hundred years after, and Hanukkah is being celebrated in the Holy Land. A hanukkiah is burning for eight days, and sufganiet doughnuts are served instead of latkes. There is no iron oven, but children are still turning a wooden top they now call a savivon. They are playing a game, and the letters on the four sides of the dreydle compose a magic sentence “A great miracle was HERE”.

Pallete knife