Boris Dubrov. Checking for a Mesusah

oil, canvas, 80х60.2017, a private collection, USA

Gallery: Judaica

The Pale of Settlement, its own world, its own laws, its own neighbors – Byelorussians, Ukrainians, Latvians, Moldavians…. Christianity and Judaism… Churches and synagogues.Two realities – the internal and the external, the public and the private one. There is a symbol of the home, a scroll with the text of a prayer attached to the gate, and to the doorframe of the house, to the door frames of each room, on the right side, in an oblique position, with the upper corner turned inside. A thin piece of parchment made from the skin of a kosher animal, two fragments of the Torah written by hand in iHebrew Hebrew – the traditional language of Judaism, the state language of Israel.. Acasewiththeimage of the letter shin, the first letter of one of the Creator’s names, Shaday…. Akissthroughthefingersoftherighthand, asamerging of the Creator’s laws and of the desire of the man to follow him…. And, asastainofinkdisappearsfromoneletter, theentireMesusahwillbecomeinvalid... The law of the Torah. Checking for a Mesusah…. Twice in seven years’ time….

Pallete knife